Fellow Feds o/,
At 19:00 eRep time tonight, the Fed. PP Primary will open and we will begin choosing who we want to represent us as PP.
In order to help you make a more informed decision about my candidacy in comparison to the others running, here is Part II of my two-part series, as promised!
If you missed it...:
Part I - Strategy + Goals for the Feds
Enjoy this article!
Throughout my many months in EZC, I have found the MU and its members to form one of the best communities of any MU, and the feed is incredibly active. I love the work that EZC command does to support their members, and I truly appreciate what they do on a daily basis.
That being said, I believe that, if I am elected PP next term, I will work to strengthen an already awesome MU, and make sure that EZC members truly feel connected with the Fed party, and do not feel that they are a separate entity.
I will work towards the following goals:
Keep Communication Lines with EZC Command open
I really want to offer leadership support to EZC, and help EZC Command as much as my position offers.
I’ve done work in both the DoI and the DoD, so I understand both the logistics of supply, and the impact of damage, as well as the impact of supporting both eAmerican and foreign battles. If I am elected for another term, I plan on helping EZC to solve any and all problems that they may have, and work towards a much stronger MU.
Make sure EZC members feel connected to the Fed. party
While EZC is the official Fed. party MU, I think that this bond needs to be strengthened, so that there is a very clear connection between the two, and EZC members do not feel disconnected from the Feds, or vice versa.
In order to encourage this connection, I plan on pushing EZC members to get involved in the Fed. forum, and post as much as possible. From what I understand, most EZC members come onto the forum, get a uniform, and then dissapear.
This is not what I want, and I don’t think it’s what EZC or the Feds want! So, I’m going to work to push EZC members to not just use the Fed. forums for a uniform, but get involved in the discussion on our boards!
Encourage more EZC Media
When Stewy, as CO of EZC in Deepchill’s absence, put out a form to critique EZC, I realized one of the few issues with EZC: It needs more media.
Thus, if I am elected PP next term, I plan on working with fingerguns, my Media director, as well as others in EZC, and work to publish pro-EZC media AT LEAST once a week, possibly more.
I believe that this media push from EZC could strongly encourage D1 and D2 players to join the MU, where EZC can truly help them and improve its damage output, which is important!
Push for more Screaming Eagle Attacks and Mass Attacks, as well as more operations like Romeo
EZC Mass Attacks and Screaming Eagle Attacks are very fun and are good for MU unity, so they are something I certainly want to encourage.
I know funds in EZC are tight, and that leaders are making sacrifices in order to provide for the MU. But I don’t think funds should get in the way of these awesome events, so I plan on having fundraisers for EZC during my term to have these awesome EZC events!
Additionally, I want to keep EZC Ops such as Romeo going, which supply more tanks to D1 and D2 players who need them to level up faster and succeed!
EZC Mass Attacks, Screaming Eagle Attacks and Supply Operations are very important for EZC, and I want these to happen during my term!!!
Now, I clearly understand that I cannot do all of this alone. But, with an awesome, devoted staff, I believe I can accomplish many if not all of my goals, plans, and ideas for EZC!
Without further ado, here is the staff that will help me accomplish what I want and improve the Feds, EZC, and as a result, AMERICA!
VPP - Jefferson Locke
I choose Jefferson Locke to be my VPP because I truly and honestly trust this man to lead the Feds. to amazing heights and I value his advice highly! If I was ever unable to fulfill my duties, I fully trust this man to fill in and lead the Feds!!
Jefferson Locke has shown impeccable work ethic, a perfectionist attitude, strong ideas, and a willingness to succeed. His media is strong, and he is able to communicate with the people in an amazing way!
CoS - EnterAwesome
EnterAwesome is my CoS because I am confident that she can serve as a taskmaster to my many directors and keep them moving towards their goals. She has a lot of amazing ideas, and I think that this position gives her a lot of responsibility to carry out her ideas!
EA is someone who I know can lead my directors to astounding heights and I believe that she will prosper under my administration!
Political Director - Tiacha
Although not a Fed. in-game, Tiacha is someone I know I can trust to lead the Political Dept. and help get new members into Congress.
Tiacha has shown that she is relentless in accomplishing what she sets out to do, and cannot be stopped. I really can see her going far as PD, and she will really help newbs rise in the political world!
Recruitment Director - Crashthompson
When you put so much time and effort into messaging like Crash does, it shows. And, because of his relentless efforts to mail and recruit new players, I truly believe that he can lead the Recruitment department with distinction and help us pass the AFA!!
If I am elected PP, I foresee Crashthompson’s devotion shining through and his work ethic helping to improve the Fed numbers. He is relatively new under this name, but age means nothing when you work as hard as Crash does!
Retention Director - Paul Proteus
Paul, a two-time PP of the Feds, was an easy choice for this position.
I am amazed at how quickly he has gotten back into the Feds, and I believe that he can really help new players get as quickly involved as he got re-involved.
Proteus is super-ready for Retention and I believe that he can put in the effort and time needed to retain our members and draw them to the forums!
Media Director - fingerguns
Of all the choices for my cabinet, this was a no-brainer.
fingerguns, CP last month, has always been amazing at communicating with the people, and her media is truly valuable: I read every word of it.
Thus, I believe that fingerguns can and will work towards a strong Fed. media base, as well as strengthening EZC’s media base.
FOP Director - GreekM4N
Greek has been a long time FOP director, but still continues to do astounding work.
He actively communicates with the Feds. through messages drafted by leadership, and I believe that his skill set is something I truly appreciate and value!
FBI Directors - Stewy (FedForum) / Kody5 (EZCForum)
I chose Stewy to be a co-FBI director specializing in the Fed. forum because he works hard to keep the form secure before elections, and I can count on him to do screenings of the memberlist and make sure everything is in order.
Stewy does great work for FBI, and I want this to continue!
While new to a FBI-directorship, Kody will excel in this field.
I believe that Harry W. Hill made an awesome decision to teach him the ropes, and I believe that he is ready to do FBI security for EZC!
Thanks for reading!
Remember to read my previous article:
Part I - Strategy + Goals for the Feds
If you're a Fed and not running, you can still get involved in the race by asking your PP candidates questions!
See my answers here.
Please vote, comment and subscribe if you enjoyed this article!!
Fed. Party Page - http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/federalist-party-2263/1
Fed. IRC - http://tinyurl.com/FedsLive
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