How many of you realised the image last article linked to a song?

Good Evening America,
It’s been 5 days, and I know some of you will probably be baying for my blood for not getting an article out sooner … But I read the comments (Yes, I do pay attention to what people say in the articles, I just don’t reply back, I make notes to address them in later articles like this) and those of the ones in my VP Jefferson Locke’s article, there were a few things that jumped out at me.
People were questioning why we buy votes for our articles instead of giving the funds to the USAF. First, the money to pay for our articles is from our pocket, not from the government coffers (Already had Hanibal try accuse me of using government money to buy votes … oh how my sides split laughing there). Any votes I buy for my articles actually comes from the smalls amounts of gold I buy from the Admins … so the votes litteraly come from my RL pocket. Secondly, I can proudly say I HAVE given funds to the military in the past. Ask the National Guard, I set up a fund for their soldiers to withdraw from for their own needs. 80% of it came from my money, which was around … $200,000-$250,000 over the space of a year.
BUT, don’t think I haven’t listened. A lot of people mentioned that they missed the days when the DoD used to feature in the Top 5, and I had a thought come to mind. While I won’t say it will happen, I’ve taken it to my cabinet and I’m going to push hard for it to become a reality and make it so you can have your Top 5 DoD once more.
Operation Gangnam Style
Another staple of the comments (and indeed, an article from Zoli) was regarding Operation Gangnam Style. Lately, there’s been a lot of discontent with how the campaign has been progressing as of late, with Taiwan kicking us out of South Korea and then winning back Northern Taiwan from us.
Needless to say, those two loses right at the start of my term has cast a huge shadow over me already. The campaign hit a snag … a pretty big snag in which a couple of problems conspired against us – EDEN rallying behind Taiwan … and then a gold sale in which Taiwan Players purchased BIG. That was until we played the trump card.
A couple of words later, and as you can see in Central Taiwan, it was a pretty big win at 89-21 for us … with us practically winning every division from the 3rd battle onwards. The question “why?” is pretty simple – CoT came up for us BIG TIME. I had my Deputy NSC n0s3 scroll through our allies and you would find that each one had our battle as their Campaign of the Day: They came to our aid! And even now, in Northern Taiwan, they’re dumping damage to help us!
And you can expect more of that in the following battles … all the way till we’ve kicked them OUT of South Korea … and OUT of Japan. We will NOT stop until Taiwan have truly felt the wrath of our nation standing up for our allies! I plan on push as hard as I can to make sure we win battle after battle, and at the same time, look into our next move once this operation is over.
Return of the Media Presence
I’m not sure if you noticed, but the WHPR Made it’s first article in two weeks a couple of days ago … This just the first step in my revival of the governments Media Presence. Not only will you be getting Articles from me addressing issues affecting the nation … you’ve also got Vice President Jefferson Locke promising a couple of articles a week!
On top of that, there will now be regular WHPR’s, every department has been told they need at LEAST one article a week to let you all know what they’ve been up to, and that any of them that don’t do as they’re told will face disciplinary, which yes … includes being fired and replaced. I’m rating Media as extremely important for my government this month and I plan on pushing my team hard to deliver my wishes.
I can’t stress enough how much emphasis I’m placing on it. Coming from a past Secretary of Media, I understand how important the Media is and how much it can help a government interact with you guys, and how helpful it is in passing along information that everyone can benefit from. I also know you hate not feeling included and this helps connect you to us, it helps gives you a bridge of communication to us.
And on the subject of Media, i’d also just like to say i’m pleased with the amount of articles coming from people … The Empire News Network is certainly one of my favorites of the current bunch. It’s always great to see such new and wonderful articles being published, and I would encourage you all - If you got the writing bug, let it free … WRITE!
That it for this update, I’m sure some will say “It’s not enough, we want more” In all honesty, I told you last month – the first few days are settling into the new term, getting used to the new faces and roles. This article gives you information on the main topics discussed by the cabinet in the past 5 days … any other topics discussed were about the previous cabinet.
Keep it chillin eAmerica!
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